Your teeth could be one of your defining features—and whether that’s a good or bad thing is in your hands thanks to today’s modern orthodontic technology and treatments. Whether you were born with a natural underbite and some crooked teeth or gaps slowly began to appear over the years, modern braces have never been more effective at treating these conditions than they are now. However, the work isn’t over once the braces are off and your teeth are in proper alignment—you’ll need orthodontic retainers to make sure they hold their pristine position throughout your lifetime.
Here are a few reasons why orthodontic retainers are so important, especially after you’ve just completed your treatment with braces or clear aligners:
They Help to Solidify the Treatment
First and foremost, the most crucial reason why orthodontic retainers are a necessity after your treatment with braces is that they ensure the effects are long-lasting. Over time, especially with malocclusions that were difficult to correct, teeth can begin to naturally shift out of line again and ruin the months of effort you put in with your braces. With the use of orthodontic retainers, your teeth will have the support they need to stay well-aligned long after you’ve had your braces removed.
The Ensure Your Gums Have Time to Adapt
The retainers aren’t just for your teeth—they also provide your gums with the support and time they need to fully adapt to the new configuration and position of your teeth. Everyone’s gums are a little bit different, and some people’s gums may more easily allow teeth to shift out of place. That’s just another reason why orthodontic retainers are so important.
They Hold Spaces Open for New Teeth in Children
Finally, orthodontic retainers can also maintain the proper spacing needed for a child’s adult teeth to grow correctly. Say your child has a malocclusion that needs to be corrected early on, but a missing tooth has yet to grow in; they can undergo the necessary treatment with braces and be confident that the gap will not affect their alignment.
Find Quality Orthodontic Retainers at Bryan Johnson Orthodontics
If you’re in need of a quality orthodontic retainer or are looking to start your journey to a more aligned smile with braces, then reach out to Dr. Johnson today at 503-362-9548. With more than 20 years of dedicated orthodontic experience, he proudly offers his services to Salem, Silverton, Stayton, and Woodburn, OR, as well as their surrounding communities. ¡Se habla español también!