Why Is Early Treatment Critical?
Scheduling an early treatment orthodontist appointment is important as it provides you with the ability to identify any irregularities, including the early loss of primary teeth, damaging oral habits, and other genetic factors. Being able to diagnose these conditions can help to ensure a treatment plan is in place before the problems worsen.
The Benefits of Early Treatment
Early treatment can provide several benefits. These include reducing the risk of:
- Gum, tooth, or jawbone injuries
- Impacted adult teeth
- Bruxing, or grinding of the teeth
- Childhood tooth decay, cavities, or periodontal diseases
- Speech problems
- Needing protracted orthodontic treatment
Early treatment can also increase the likelihood of proper jaw growth and alignment while enhancing your child’s self-confidence.
When Can a Child Begin Early Treatment?
There are three specific stages of orthodontic treatment for your child. These include:
- Stage One: Early treatment is best for children between ages 2 and 6. This treatment is offered to regulate and guide the width of both dental arches, ensuring there is enough space for the teeth to come in correctly.
- Stage Two: Middle dentition treatment is best for children between the ages of 6 and 12. This treatment can include correcting crossbites, realigning wayward jaws, and straightening any misaligned permanent teeth.
- Stage Three: Adolescent dentition begins at age 13 and focuses on continually improving the aesthetic appearance of the smile by straightening any permanent teeth.
To get started on early treatment, reach out to our team at your earliest convenience.
Schedule an Early Treatment Orthodontist Appointment Today
Our team at Bryan Johnson Orthodontics is committed to helping children with their early treatment orthodontic needs. Our team can help your child feel more comfortable in-office and help to implement early intervention strategies, if needed.
To get started, schedule an appointment today by calling (503) 362-9548. Bryan Johnson Orthodontics has extensive experience serving patients in Salem, Stayton, Silverton, Woodburn, OR, and surrounding areas and can help you with all of your orthodontic needs.